911 Communications

From: "UHSD Email List" <info@upperhurstville.com>
Subject: 911 Communications
Date: Thu Nov 3 12:45:25 2016

From: Bryon Cornelison
Director of Constituent Services
Councilmember LaToya Cantrell, District B

If you call 911 and someone does not answer as fast as you presume they should,  DO NOT HANG UP and Redial!  Each phone call adds a new phone call to the cue which must be cleared by the operator in order to take the next call.  For example;  If you call and hang up 3 times, you have created 3 phone calls, not ONE!  If you have ever dialed 911 by mistake and then hung up, you know that someone generally calls you back.  They are required to call back to check on you, so in the same vein, do not hang up if it is an error, simply stay on the line and tell them it was a mistake, as it takes more time for them to call you back in order to clear the cue rather than you remaining on the line.

In addition, if you are ever in doubt as to whether to dial 911 versus the non-emergency number 821-2222 please error on the side of caution and dial 911.

There is a staff of approximately 68 operators that are divided among 5 shifts; three traditional plus two shifts that overlap.  They are also hiring operators if anyone is looking for a very nice but stressful work environment.

Patrol: 504.451.1614
Annual Dues: $20/household (calendar year)
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